Monitor community content.

CrowdSource will attempt to monitor content in a timely fashion, including: messages, posts, comments, photos, videos, emails and/or other content posted by users of the community. We will attempt to take all constructive criticism and ideas to task, arrive at a resolution for problems and continue striving for process improvements.

However, the best way to address support issues with CrowdSource is to contact our workforce support team create a support ticket. We cannot guarantee a response to questions posted on third-party websites, social networks, blogs or forums. Furthermore, please remember that anything posted on our social media accounts or active forums does not necessarily represent the feelings or opinions of CrowdSource.

Reject poor work.

The mantra that “hard work pays off” is true. Submitted work that does not follow the given instructions is at risk for rejection (with or without pay) based upon our discretion. Use these tips to ensure your work does not face rejection:

-Read and follow the directions thoroughly

-Proofread your work

-Pay attention to the details

-ASK QUESTIONS if you are unsure

-Read your feedback

Reward hard work.

Workers who go above and beyond can receive both monetary awards as well as career advancement. As you earn trust in our system, you can gain access to more assignments and more earnings potential.